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'Worse Than We Were Expecting': Scituate Residents Face Days In Dark, Long Lines For Gas Following Nor'easter

SCITUATE (CBS) – With many towns on the South Shore and Cape Cod still in the dark a day after Wednesday's powerful nor'easter, gas is in high demand.

LIST: These Towns Are Still Mostly In The Dark From Nor'easter Power Outages

In Scituate, the line at the Sunoco station on Chief Justice Cushing Highway was more than 25 cars long Thursday morning as residents look to fill up their cars and generators.

More than 300,000 businesses and homes are still without power around Massachusetts. Scituate is 100% in the dark and restoration will likely take days.

"I've never seen anything like this here in all our years," said Ellie Hayes, whose neighbor had a tree topple onto their home.

The tree smashed right through the roof.

"The tree came right down on her bed...It's a miracle she got out."

Utility crews were staged on First Parish Road, ready to make repairs in Scituate, Norwalk and Cohasset.

"I think the storm caught a lot of people by surprise. I think it was worse than we were expecting," Scituate Town Administrator James Boudreau said. "When you see the duration of how long they're going to be without power, they're going to run out of gas for their generator. So a lot of people are in line with gas cans to gas up their generator."

Officials are reminding anyone using generators to make sure they are set up outside to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

The Scituate Council on Aging and Town Hall are open to anyone who wants to charge their devices and get warm.

National Grid is also bringing a charging truck to the Gates Middle School bus parking area starting at 10 a.m.

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