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Robi On The Road: 'The Trash Lady' Part Of Groundbreaking Waste Removal Family

BOSTON (CBS) – She calls herself "The Trash Lady," a moniker that runs in the family.

Only two percent of the trash truck drivers in the United States are women, and Andrea Lord of New Hampshire is one of them.

Related: More "Robi On The Road"

How did she get into the business? She followed in her mother's footsteps.

Valerie Savage, Lord's mom, is considered a pioneer in the waste removal and recycling industry.

Lord started riding with her mom in the garbage truck when she was a young girl.

The Trash Lady
Andrea Lord's family is considered groundbreaking in the trash industry. (WBZ-TV)

Now Lord works for the second largest trash hauler in the country, Republic Services.

They recruited her because she knows all about hauling food waste and turning it into compost.

Andrea's supervisor told WBZ-TV that she is the best driver they have in Boston out of 110 employees. She has a "perfect driving record."

The Trash Lady
Even when she's hauling trash, Andrea Lord said she enjoys getting "dolled up." (WBZ-TV)

Though she said being a trash collector is not traditionally known as a woman's job, Andrea loves her occupation. She even gets dolled up every day for work.

"I love doing my hair and nails, that's who I am" she said.

A typical day on the job for Andrea includes up to 60 stops.

Some of the barrels she has to move around can weigh as much as 400 pounds.

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