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Daily Talker: Should schools start later so kids can get more sleep?

School is back in session. Kids need to readjust to getting up early. But, at least one person thinks they should be allowed to sleep in. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in an interview that schools should consider starting later.
Why? Because rested students are ready students.
Duncan cited research that looks at a teenager's body clock and sleep cycle. Children and teenagers need more sleep than adults do. Many doctors recommend 8.5 to 9.5 hours a night. But that's hard when you have to get up to get the bus to get to school. Don't forget after-school activities, sports and maybe even a part-time job. After that, don't forget to do your homework.
When do kids have enough time to sleep?
What do you think? Is this a good idea?
Should schools start later so kids can get more sleep?
Will this really help students get more sleep and do better in school?

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