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Wednesday's Child: 2-Year-Old Stephen

BOSTON (CBS) - Stephen is a cuddly, affectionate toddler who loves to give and receive hugs.

He is a happy, good-natured 2-year-old with a smile that lights up the room. Stephen's birth mother is from Guyana, and Stephen is believed to be of Hispanic descent.

Stephen was born with medical issues that have been resolved for the most part. He has some cognitive and developmental delays that are still unknown. A full developmental assessment is being completed soon that should provide more understanding of Stephen's abilities. Stephen has received Early Intervention services since birth and may be able to age out when he reaches age 3.

In the past year, Stephen has made steady progress. He is walking fully and no longer receives occupational and physical therapy. He receives weekly speech therapy. He can follow simple commands and says a handful of small words, including "hi," "bye," "eat" and "yum yum."

Despite his limitations, Stephen is strong and determined. He does well with independent play and will keep himself entertained easily. He is curious and loves to explore his environment, climb and play on the slides at the playground. Stephen also loves music and playing with toy cars and blocks.

Legally free for adoption, Stephen would do well in any number of families with the time to devote to his care and help him reach his full potential. Stephen will possibly need two visits a year with his birth mother.

To learn more about Stephen, and about adoption from foster care, call the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at 617-54-ADOPT (617-542-3678) or visit The sooner you call, the sooner a waiting child will have "a permanent place to call HOME."

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