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Sudbury Mom Makes Boxing More Than Just A Hobby

SUDBURY (CBS) - She's the mother of two small children and has a full time job.

Yet, Julie Marobella of Sudbury still finds the time to strap on a pair of boxing gloves and get in the ring with some tough competition.

Julie is proving she has what it takes to be a champ.

WBZ-TV's Paul Burton reports

Julie's been boxing for about 9 years but only started competing this year and so far her record is 3-0, winning both the Lowell and New England golden gloves.

"I love this ring. "I love boxing," Julie says. "I feel a strength empowerment and confidence when I am boxing."

She trains almost ever day. Three times a week you'll find her at the Nonantum Boxing Club in Newton going head-to-head with some very heavy hitters. But her trainer Marc Gargaro says she's not intimated.

"She works harder than anyone in the gym," Garago points out. "Right now she's got a goal and she goes for it."

During the day, she's a Sr. Product Manager for a software company. She says boxing is her way to relieve some of the stress.

"I think a lot of women, when you are mother and work full-time, you need an outlet." It might be reading. It might be cooking, just working out. But I'm very goal oriented and I like intense work outs. To me boxing just fits and works."

When her boxing career comes to an end, Julie will set her sights elsewhere. But for now, she's taking it one fight at a time.

WBZ-TV's Paul Burton contributed to this report

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