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News & Notes From The NFL & Beyond

BOSTON (CBS) -- Here are some news and notes from around the NFL and beyond.
Brett Favre once again said he is retiring after the season.  In an interview with the NFL Network, Brett was asked if this was his last season and he said, "Yes."

Of course he did. 

Brett may have burned too many bridges this time around.  The coach that went to Mississippi to get him can't stand him now and his production is down. 

The weird news about this is Brett may need to work.  This Jenn Sterger stuff is not going away. 

That will teach him to hit send when his little Viking is in focus.  Who knows if divorce papers are not waiting for him at home. 

Mr. Wrangler better try and do as many jean ads while the going is good.
The NFL hit eight players with fines this week but two of the fines caught my eye because they dealt with the uniform policy. 

Bart Scott of the Jets was fined $20,000 because his chin straps remained unsnapped during game play in the overtime of the Jets game against the Lions. 

So let me get this straight, $20,000 for not strapping your helmet but $10,000 for roughing the passer.

I thought the quarterbacks were more important than the strap on the helmet. The league and their fines are getting out of hand. 

Also Chad Ochocinco was fined $20,000 for wearing gold cleats on Monday night against the Steelers. I think that is still excessive even though his shoes were real ugly. 

As for Chad, he spent his whole offseason on TV shows and promoting himself and he has done nothing this season.  Maybe next year he'll use the offseason and go to receiver boot camp.
Soccer 6 chimes in today and we have a dancing theme to start the story. 

"The Dougie" is this new dance that is sweeping the nation.  I have seen it, but I have not tried it nor will I give it a try.  This old boy has cranky knees. 

But apparently if you want to learn, Cali Swag is showing people on YouTube, (don't know who Cali Swag is, again I am old).

Cali Swag District - Teach Me How To Dougie by CaliSwagDistrictVEVO on YouTube

6 says the dance is sweeping the nation.  People are doing it at the club, the gym, while they are getting ready for work, poolside and even at their place of employment. 

REALLY!! Doing the "Dougie" at my cubicle. 

I guess that would be a way to eat up some time but never in a meeting.  Let's make that a rule, no "Dougie" in a meeting, but you can if they turn the lights off and put on a projector. 

Back to the "Dougie," Soccer 6 says the Washington Wizards rookie point guard John Wall, did the best Dougie ever recorded. 31 seconds for a pregame dance. 

I guess that is good.  6 does not Dougie but does at time dabble in the Freemont and the Rosie.  Just some other dances I know nothing about.
Quick update from 6.  Kurt Warner was the last athlete on "Dancing with the Stars" and now he is gone.  Kurt was booted off this past week. 

Not sure if he can do the "Dougie," but I do know he can play quarterback. If he wants to have a comeback next season, I am sure teams will give him a try.
Soccer 6 chimes in with some basketball news and Kevin Garnett is now the most hated player among his peers. 6 brings this news from Joakim Noah. 

Back track and Soccer saw Garnett at a Knicks a couple of years ago.  6 was eight rows back and took in the cursing and the aggressive style in which Garnett plays with.  Not to mention enough pictures to fill a phone book.

I mean c'mon, Soccer 6 took a lot of pictures. 

Anyway, on the "Waddle and Silvy" show in Chicago, Joakim Noah said Garnett would not be receiving a Christams card from him.  He called Kevin mean and ugly. 

The ugly comment is what got 6 going. 

Soccer thinks Noah needs to look in the mirror before he calls someone else ugly.  I tend to agree here. 

6 says Noah's looks could stop a sunrise...(ooohhh burn). 

Noah may need to check himself before he wrecks himself. There goes Soccer 6 rhyming again.
Finally, 6 says the third season of Kendra premiered with some controversy.

Magazine stands across the country have pictures of Kendra and Hank on the cover and there are rumors that they are splitting up.  6 really thought those crazy kids could make it. 

Soccer did some investigating and right now 6 can report they are not splitting up.  Kendra is staying in Los Angeles with baby Hank to promote her book.  Hank is in Minnesota with the Vikings.  Long distance relationship.

The paparazzi need to slow their roll, and for you Kendra fans, 6 says you can take out the Kendra work out pole for the holidays.
Thanks Soccer 6 and thanks again everybody for reading.

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