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Add My Name To The List Of Apologists

     I spotted this headline on the internet the other day citing "2010, year of the apology" and I thought heck, my name should be up there too.  This particular internet listed apologies from such notables as Tiger Woods, (yikes) Steve Jobs, (Apple) Levi Johnson (Palin family) Tony Hayward (BP) Helen Thomas (old stupid journalist) Akio Toyoda (Toyota) Jesse James (Bullock) Mel Gibson (just stupid and still owes us one)    There are many others.

     At this time, I would like to apologize personally on behalf of others who didn't see fit to do so.  The President of France perhaps should apologize to Islamic women who were insulted when the French government banned these women from covering their face with burkas, burqa, burqua, burkha....face veils, whatever they're called.   The French are "right" for a change but I'm amazed they had the pistachio's to do it without retreat.

     Apologies to the state of Arizona for having to put up with a lame lawsuit from the Obama administration, just for trying to do the right thing which the feds had failed to do.   

     Apologies to anyone in the process of buying a car right now, knowing the Federal government has exempted car dealers from the new bill designed to make sure businesses do not abuse or confuse consumers.  So..this is a Gary warning, not a government warning:  After shaking hands on the deal, count your fingers.

     There are many others.

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