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Can You Get Coronavirus Through Your Eyes? Dr. Mallika Marshall Answers Your Coronavirus Questions

BOSTON (CBS) – Dr. Mallika Marshall is answering your coronavirus-related medical questions. If you have a question for Dr. Mallika, email her or message her on Facebook or Twitter.

Dr. Mallika is offering her best advice, but as always, consult your personal doctor before making any decisions about your personal health.

"My 45-year old nephew died and the memorial mass and burial will be in New York on 8/21. This would mean taking a ferry and staying with my brother for two nights. I am 72, in good health, and am torn as to what I should do." -Helen

My condolences. You're in a high-risk group, even though you're healthy, so I don't think it would be wise for you to travel and stay at someone else's house at this point. If you were my mother, I would tell you to stay home. Hopefully, your family will understand.

"Is it possible to get the coronavirus through exposure to the eyes?" -Pat 

Yes, it's more likely you'll catch the virus from breathing it in through your nose or mouth, but it can enter through your eyes if for example, you touch your eyes with contaminated fingers or if someone coughs or sneezes near you. This is another reason why wearing masks and washing hands is so important.

"Is this a good time now to have people come inside my house to install central A/C?"-Eric

Yes. Ask them to wear masks while inside your home. You may want to leave the house while they're there, otherwise, wear a mask yourself and stay in another part of the house. You can then wipe down doorknobs or other areas they may have touched.

"Do I have to fear folks who do not cover their noses with their masks? Or is that more dangerous for them than me?" -Lois on Facebook

If someone is wearing a mask below their nose, they could still be exhaling contaminated respiratory droplets into the air posing a danger to you. But they could also be inhaling respiratory droplets from people around them, endangering themselves as well.

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