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'Racist Act': Noose Found Hanging Outside Christa McAuliffe Charter School In Framingham

FRAMINGHAM (CBS) -- Police are investigating a noose found hanging from a building at the Christa McAuliffe Charter School in Framingham. School officials are calling it a racist and hateful act against the community.

The noose was found last Friday, which was the Juneteeth holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States.

The school has been closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The school named after the first teacher selected to go to space said it is working with police to find the person responsible.

"What we do know is that this racist act is abhorrent and stands in opposition to everything McAuliffe stands for and hopes to achieve," school executives said in a statement. "It is also, unfortunately, yet another example of the hate-filled acts that we have seen take place across our country in response to individuals and communities, including members of the McAuliffe community, taking a stand against racist systems and structures."


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