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During Coronavirus Pandemic, Some Essential Employees Got An Easter Break

ATTLEBORO (CBS) — Some supermarkets are showing gratitude to their employees working during the Coronavirus pandemic by giving them Easter Sunday off from work. One Attleboro family says the time off to be with family is much appreciated.

The LaMar family of Attleboro was just happy to be together this Easter. (Photo credit: The LaMar family)

While the majority of people are stuck at home, it's been a hectic and exhausting few weeks for grocery store employees deemed "essential" during the pandemic.

"It's definitely been a lot busier – having to go in on days when I'm not scheduled because they need that extra help," said Samantha LaMar. "It's been very crazy."

The 20-year-old works at the Roche Bros. store in Norton. LaMar is like many other essential workers, risking their health to make sure we have the necessities.

That's why this Easter is so special. Some supermarkets, like Roche Bros. and Hannaford, gave employees this holiday off to relax and spend with loved ones.

After a nerve-racking few weeks on the job, LaMar's father is thrilled.

"We had a nice, wonderful meal today – just the four of us," said Michael LaMar. "In the past, we've been with extended family... tonight was nice, just the four of us."

The LaMar family set the table for a very special Easter dinner. (Photo credit: The LaMar family)

Both of his children work at Roche Bros. A company that gave employees Monday off, as well.

"Yesterday was very busy, the day before Easter, to have today off and tomorrow off... it's just nice we get a little break before going back next week," said Samantha LaMar.

It's a kind gesture for an oftentimes thankless job. Forty-eight hours at home — like the rest of us — to relax and recharge before heading back to work.

"A lot of people will go out of their way to say thank you for working, send us flowers and cards."

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