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Volunteer Group Needs More Wreaths For Annual Veterans' Tribute In Brockton Cemetery

BROCKTON (CBS) - A volunteer group that has an annual tradition of placing wreaths at veterans' graves is looking for some help this year.

Operation Wreaths for Veterans at Melrose Cemetery in Brockton will go on as scheduled this Sunday, December 8. But, they need more wreaths.

This tradition was started by Mary Waldron five years ago. After the sudden loss of her husband John, she started the nonprofit organization called "Just Checking In" to continue his legacy of giving back. The group buys the wreaths each year to lay on the veterans' graves.

They usually have 1,500 wreaths, but this year they have just 800. Waldron said the wreaths cost them more than $10,000 each year, so they had to scale back this time.

They plan to switch to artificial wreaths next year to save some money.

1,500 wreaths were placed on the graves of veterans at Melrose Cemetery in Brockton, Dec. 7, 2018. (WBZ-TV)

If you'd like to donate a wreath, bring it to Melrose Cemtery on Sunday. To make a donation, click here.

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