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Maine 'Raw Water' Bottler Says Customers Swear By Their 'Healing Tonic'

HARRISON, Maine (CBS) – As the controversial "raw water" trend gains followers, one Maine company is hoping that unfiltered, untreated water is both safe and the next big thing in a bottle.

CBS This Morning traveled to Tourmaline Spring in Harrison for a report Tuesday on the unprocessed water phenomenon.

Tourmaline Spring (Image credit: CBS This Morning)

Bryan Pullen and his partner Seth Pruzansky say their water is the purest you'll ever taste, in part because it's believed to be at least 10,000 years old.

Tony Dokoupil (L) talks to the partners behind Tourmaline Spring. (Image credit: CBS This Morning)

Tourmaline Spring is tested regularly for contaminants – though the Centers For Disease Control warns untreated water could contain bacteria, viruses and parasites.

"This water is really, really important because of what's not in it, not because of what's in it," Pullen said. "It's so incredibly naturally pure. It has to be a healing tonic."

Pullen says customers swear by the product. A case of 12 one-liter bottles of Tourmaline Spring water sell for $35.95 online.

Tourmaline Spring water bottles (Image credit: CBS This Morning)

Raw water may contain some beneficial minerals, but experts say a healthy diet will get you the same minerals without the added risk.

Read the full story here.

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