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Felger & Mazz: Vick Has Come Out Of The Controversy "A Better Person"

On another Wiggy Wednesday, Felger and Massarotti were joined by ex-Patriot great Jermaine Wiggins to discuss, among other things, their reactions to Michael Vick's recent appointment with Congress in which Vick lobbied for stricter punishment for issues related to dogfighting.

Marc Bertrand had previously stated that he believed Vick was a fraud for pushing harsher punishment now that his own punishment is behind him. Bertrand further explained his idea, saying that Vick's notion that if the punishment for dogfighting had been harsher he would not have done what he did is ludicrous. Between Felger, Mazz and Wiggy, all three got fired up by Bertrand's brazen comments.

Wiggins argued that other people who had dogfighting convictions got a lesser sentences than Vick, a further reason to respect that fact that Vick did indeed do his time of 18 months in prison. Wiggins continued to say that the public and media should now focus on the positives that Vick is carrying out with various organizations and schools around the country. Bertrand picked up on Wiggy's comments and made a point that he was not saying Vick is a fraud on the whole, just that Vick's appearance in front of Congress was indeed fraudulent in and of itself.

Mazz piggy-backed on the topic and claimed that Vick was "damned if he does, damned if he doesn't" in terms of saying yes to the Humane Society's request to go before Congress. Either he's a fraud for saying no or a unremorseful thug who hasn't turned the corner in his life. He indicated that Vick has come out of the whole incident a better person and a more mature quarterback.

Is Wiggy right to invoke the race card on Vick? Does Bertrand have a point on Vick? Where does Felger fall on this issue? Is Wiggins being irrational in his defense of Vick? When is it time to move on with Vick? Is there a distinction between Kobe Bryant and Ben Roethlisberger and Michael Vick and how they were received by their sponsors and lack thereof?

Tune in to Felger and Mazz to hear their thoughts on these questions and more on the entire Vick situation.

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