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Boston College Student Charged With Leaving 'Deeply Offensive' Racist Graffiti

BOSTON (AP) — A Boston College student has been barred from campus and faces expulsion for what administrators are calling "deeply offensive" racist graffiti in a residence hall.

Joy Moore, BC's interim vice president for student affairs, said in an email to campus the student was arrested by campus police Saturday night "for a bias-motivated incident involving explicitly racist graffiti."

The student was also charged with assaulting police and for destruction of property in another dormitory.

Racist graffiti was written on a bathroom mirror at Boston College. (Image Credit: Black Eagles)

No name was made public. Jack Dunn, a BC spokesman, says the student faces arraignment Monday.

Neither Moore nor Dunn detailed the nature of the graffiti. But The Heights, a student newspaper, says the student defaced furniture, walls, blinds and a bathroom mirror with the N-word.

Boston College is a Jesuit university with about 14,500 students.

(© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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