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Saugus High School Sets Strict Prom Dress Code

SAUGUS (CBS) - Saugus High School has set a strict dress code for the prom this year.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens reports.


For girls, prom dresses have to hang below the mid-thigh area and can have no cuts on the sides, lower back, or midriff.

Girls also cannot show cleavage or wear short skirts.

Meanwhile, boys cannot wear sneakers or jeans and must wear jackets and button-up shirts.

The new dress code has some locals upset.

"I think since they only get this night one time out of their entire life, they should be able to dress how they want and have the night the way they want it to be," said 19-year-old Crystal.

Some parents, on the other hand, support the change.

"Well, I have kids. I have a girl and a boy, and I think they should dress appropriately," said one local dad.

The dad said it's important for the school to set a certain standard, and important for parents to reinforce that.

"You've got to instill that positive enforcement as much as you can, especially noticing how some proms have been handled, and the dress codes. It can get out of hand," said the dad.

If a student violates the dress code, they cannot enter the prom and must go home.

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