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Behind The Mic With Joe Mathieu: Men Not Doing Enough At Home

BOSTON (CBS) – There's something known as breaking into jail. And I'm going to do it right now by saying that men are not getting it done at home.

And to be clear I'm talking about chores here. You know, housework.

This may sound familiar but it's not a spouse talking this time. It's the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which tracked domestic life in 28 countries. The OECD found that in the vast majority of them, women end up working longer hours than men because of the time they work around the house.

And while the U.S. has one of the best records when it comes to this, American women still work more hours at home. Ten more hours per week on average.

That means less money in women's pockets because most don't get paid for housework.

Maybe that's why men were found to have more positive feelings about housework than women. Because they aren't doing as much.

Though researchers say men were also more likely to combine a chore with a good distraction like watching TV or reading the paper. Makes the job less painful.

And for some it comes full circle. Because men are so distracted while doing chores that they do them poorly and the woman in the house steps up to do it right.

Or maybe I'm the only one whose does the laundry only to have his wife re-fold it when he's done.

Follow Joe on Twitter @joemathieuwbz


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