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Bledsoe On Gresh & Zo: Seattle Crowd Noise Overvalued?

The 3-2 Patriots are head out to the West Coast to take on a team with the same record in the Seattle Seahawks.

Former Patriots quarterback Drew Bledsoe joined Gresh & Zo to discuss Seattle's fanbase, former New England coach and current Seahawks coach Pete Carroll and thoughts on Tim Tebow.

A lot has been made about the noise level that the Pats will face in Seattle, what is it about that fan base where they support a team the way they do? What drives them?

"They developed a reputation back in the days of the Kingdome of being just an amazingly loud fan base and they really take pride in it. They call themselves the 12th man and they call on their fans before every game to get loud and make it an uncomfortable to play. It's something that their fan base really take pride in and it makes it a very difficult place for other teams to come into and play."

Are people overvaluing this crowd noise to a degree? Does this kind of thing actually matter to a guy like Tom Brady?

"Anytime you go on the road in the NFL it's loud, now the Seahawks their stadium is louder than most, I mean you can feel it when you're there I mean the place just shakes. But, in terms of communicating for a guy with Tom's experience and with an offense that has that much experience I don't think it'll be problematic. The other thing they can do to offset that, their no huddle offense where they pick up the pace makes it hard for the crowd to build that noise coming into a play."

Plus is it easier to run the no huddle offense when it's loud?

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