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Bradley Jay: Reform School Is The Right Call For Buss-Monitor Bullies.

I am not crazy. I am not extreme. I am simply right. During my talk show, Jay Talkin' on WBZ-AM, I discussed the New York bus monitor incident where a 68-year-old woman was brutally bullied by middle-school students. I called for the pint-sized perpetrators to be sent to reform school. After all, these kids were monstrous in their inhuman treatment of the poor woman. Some apologists for these demi-demons felt reform school would be too severe. Not so, determined the Greece Central School District. They sided with me.

Here is a partial statement issued from the Greece School District: "Following individual meetings this week with school and district administrators, each family waived their right to a hearing and agreed to one-year suspensions from school and regular bus transportation. The Greece Central School District is legally required to provide all students ages 5 to 16 with an education, therefore, during the 2012-13 school year, the students who have been suspended will be transferred to the district Reengagement Center, located in a non-school facility. This alternative education program keeps middle school students on track academically while providing a structured opportunity for students to take responsibility for their actions by completing community service hours and receiving formal instruction related to conduct and behavior that prepares them for a productive future. The program includes a strong parent involvement component.

Reform School, maybe not, but close enough!

Sweet! Chalk up a rare win for the good guys. Score one for those who pine for a brave new world where actions are taken and consequences are doled out as a result of nasty behavior. But more importantly, the Greece School District leaders deserve a great big huzzah for exhibiting a backbone in this spineless world. This incident of merciless bullying should be a teaching moment and every kid should take notice when they hear the tale of the four middle school boys who bullied the bus monitor.

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