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How Should Parents Talk With Children About Bin Laden's Death?

BOSTON (CBS) -- Many parents are wondering how to talk with their children about Osama bin Laden's death, especially when the story is everywhere.

Amy Beaudoin teaches at Elliot Elementary School in Boston and says her students came to her first thing Monday morning asking her about what happened over the weekend.

"I was asking questions like, 'Is this going to change anything? How bad of a man he was?'" said Fawzy Salama, an eighth grade student at the school.

The students, who were in kindergarten on September 11, 2001, are still worried about potential terrorism.

WBZ-TV's Sera Congi reports.

Brianna Sanders, 14, said she's avoided taking the T. "I also thought about how it's going to affect my life because I take the train to school. I'm worried about an attack on the train while I'm on it," she said.

Dr. Roslyn Murov, of Children's Hospital Boston, says make sure to give children give a clear, concrete message.

She says parents should be honest about possible dangers, but assure children they are safe.

"In some way, in a gentle way, let them know there's always the possibility of something bad happening. That we have lots of safety measures in place to make sure children are protected," she said.

Counselors say it's best for parents to keep answers about bin Laden's death short and simple.

Give children a bit of information, see how they handle it, and let that dictate whether you say much more.

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